A Tweet I read yesterday took me here. If you don't want to look for yourself (and I can hardly blame you), it's an article weighing the pros and cons of Mitt Romney releasing his tax returns.The article concludes that yes, he should (and yes, he should), but for reasons that sane people would find rather bizarre. When I read this one, though, I didn't know whether to fall out of my chair laughing or throw up in my wastebasket:
3) Bad optics -- for them: Romney is a boy scout who has lived a life of great personal rectitude. He strikes me as a dot-every-I-and-cross-every-T sort of fellow. He's also a man of guiding and grounding faith. I am confident that his affairs are all in virtually perfect order, and that they do not contain the knock-out blow Team Obama is hoping for. When the records become public and there isn't much there, Democrats will look silly, petty and desperate for harping on the issue for weeks on end.