Thursday, March 7, 2019

Those Who Can, Do. Those Who Can't, Write

So I did this.
 And then I decided to do this.

You would never know it from looking at this blog, but I like to write. I just don't like to rant or ramble, so as the title of this blog suggests, I write when I have something to say. So why not get paid for it?

Writers who advise other writers about how to pimp their books suggest that you start up a blog. I've got this one, but should I attract any significant number of readers, they probably don't want to come here. When I get another one set up just for book-pimping, I'll let you know.

In the meantime, buy one of my books, will you?  I get pretty much the same royalty for the dead tree version and the Kindle version, but if I should ever become famous, the paperback will be more valuable, especially if I sign it, and especially if I'm dead. Tell you what, if you lurk here and you decide to buy one of my books, I'll do that for just a few cents in postage. Leave me a comment and I'll make it happen. Signing the book, not getting dead. Just don't wait too long...

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